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This summer I had a post (Nicolas de Staël Exhibit, August 31) on an exhibit of the late paintings of Nicolas de Staël. Now the amateur d'art who write the blog Lunettes Rouges has been to the exhibit. His post (Nicolas de Staël, October 30) includes a review and some great images. Take a look at the painting he is glossing in this passage:

This outspoken abstractionist ("the gang for abstraction before"), if he did return to figural painting, he did so in an ascetic and structural purity that many abstract, lyrical, and constructionist painters would envy. The large Nu couché bleu (Reclining blue nude) is nothing but geometry, a series of triangles that separates the white cloth from the red wall and the isosceles knees.
You really must click on that link. Also, this review at On An Overgrown Path got me interested in a five-CD anthology from Brilliant Classics called Renaissance Masterpieces. Mmm, crunchy polyphony... For more recent developments, Scott Spiegelberg is working on a Movie Music Meme. Must resist...

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